I asked a number of heath experts the following question…
What’s the one thing you would suggest for people to do to significantly improve their overall health?
Hopefully reading this post will inspire you to make some positive choices for your health!
John Kohler – “The one thing you can do to significantly change your health is maximize the amount of real food you put in your body.
What is real food? To me this is unprocessed foods as found in nature. The majority of my diet is made up of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, at the same time, they don’t contain a lot of calories, so they are the best foods for weight loss and that actually feed your body what it needs. Some ways I like to include these foods are juicing, blending and eating them whole in a raw, natural, and unprocessed state so I can achieve the highest level of health.”
Marni Wasserman – “The one thing I would suggest to people to improve their health is to eat more green leafy vegetables. It is the simplest and easiest thing to add into your diet to improve overall health, energy, vitality and even help with weight loss. They are detoxifying, healing and loaded with vitamins and minerals and essentially calorie free – so eat as much as you want, for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Try different varieties like kale, swiss chard, collards, mustard greens, dandelion greens, or arugula. If you need some inspiration on how to use them in everyday recipes join a cooking class!”
Nick Stern – “I would suggest people eat more raw plant based foods such as organic non GMO vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. Preferably local grown.”
Troy Casey – “Buy only organic food. Vote with your dollars on your own blood stream! As we are on the precipice of ecological disaster its good to remember, what’s good for you is good for the Earth. Purchase things you really NEED for your well being like REAL organic whole foods, natural fiber & organic cotton, sustainable, fair trade products & services from reputable companies and a bike instead of petrol then you are supporting that which supports life on Earth: CLEAN AIR, WATER & SOIL! Healthy Me = Healthy Planet.”
Shazzie – “Ok I would suggest they went at least half raw. It makes the whole body work better, you can eat more without putting weight on, it increases happiness and it helps reduce risk of disease. Make it organic, too. The world’s longest organic study found there are consistently more nutrients in organic food.”
Nathaniel Solace – “First off, thank you Jesse for pioneering such a great post! It’s always so thrilling to share wisdom, experience and a forum with other awesome people! As I write this I can feel my anticipation to see what everyone else has shared, and the ripple effect of this collective knowledge.
So before I begin, let’s run a little experiment. This will ONLY work, if you willingly participate k? I want you to tell yourself that in 10 seconds you will touch your right hand index finger to your nose. Now count to ten and do it. That was simple enough right? Did you do it? Of course you did. Why because you seemingly have control over that situation. You told yourself you would do it. You knew you were capable and you made it happen. So regardless of any theory of freewill. It SEEMS like we have freewill. I have decided, that’s good enough for me.
Let’s try another one. Say the word “Mountain” in your head. Just like you would hear a thought. Now say it 3 times really fast in your head. Now SCREAM it in your heard. Now say it soft and gently like a delicate woman. Isn’t that AMAZING!? Not only can you choose a thought, but you can choose the quality, the tone, the pitch, the repetition and so forth.
An issue many people run into on their health journey is the bombardment of dis-empowering thoughts. This may seem silly or confusing at first but I have question. When the those thoughts of doubt, worry and fear come up… did you choose them? Like you did with “Mountain” or did they just kinda pop up out of nowhere?
Imagine a whole day of your mind full of thoughts you chose to think! What would that day be like?
Your willingness, your ability and execution around thinking a thought and acting upon it MUST be treated like a MUSCLE. You must practice, train and work it out.. and yes at times it will be sore. And that’s a GOOD thing! It means you are pushing to a bigger, better version of yourself. Let’s commit to changing the ONE thing, that changes EVERYTHING. Your will and the energetic muscle that it is.
So in a raw, organic, soaked nutshell, my answer to Jesse’s question is simple. What is one thing to do to drastically change your health? CHOOSE HEALTH, accept all dynamics of the journey (every step is a step forward if you are willing to learn), and always ask yourself, would I choose this thought, because if not, you can just forgive your mind for doing it’s job so well (picking up patterns) and start to form the pattern that EMPOWERS YOU!”
Be sure to check out the first part of this post – How to Significantly Improve Your Overall Health (Part 1)
Thanks to all who contributed to these posts! It has been been a pleasure to collaborate with you! 🙂
In the comments share your response to the question – What’s the one thing you would suggest for people to do to significantly improve their overall health?
To your health!